SWADESHI Mushroom Spawn Laboratory was established in the year 1987 and was inaugurated by the leading mushroom scientist Prof.R.L. Munjal, from IARI, New Delhi. From the day one of the establishment of the Spawn Lab, it has been striving hard to provide mushroom growers with quality mushroom spawn. Swadeshi Spawn Lab is the leading and most equipped spawn lab of the country. The laboratory has a rich culture collection / culture bank containing excellent choice of exotic hybrid strains of button mushrooms / oyster mushrooms, medicinal mushrooms, specialty mushrooms and others. The laboratory is backed up by a well-qualified professional mycologist/ mushroom specialist Dr.B.L. Dhar (www.nnmushroomconsultingindia.com) with long experience in mushroom culture. Periodically, new strains of advanced hybrids are introduced to provide best cultures to mushroom growers.
Supply of pure culture spawn of mushrooms (edible & medicinal).
Quality testing of compost & casing for button mushroom cultivation.
Advice to mushroom growers on site.
Mushroom Health Clinic.
Consultancy services for spawn makers.
Kishan Goshthi(Farmers' Meets).
B-28, G.T. Karnal Road Industrial Area,
Near Aryabhatt Polytechnic, Delhi-110033 (India)
PH: +91-9953764791, 011-45038245
EMAIL: arunbahl2001@yahoo.com